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Benefits of Getting FUE Hair Transplantation | Dr. Nivedita Dadu

Best Hair Transplant Treatment In Delhi

Hair is an essential part of one's identity. It not only gives an attractive appearance and exquisite style but also boosts one's personality. Hair loss can cause a loss of self-confidence, which can lead to anxiety and mental stress. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs on a normal day, but this becomes a concern when the hair becomes thin and new hair does not grow. In such cases, one can go for permanent hair restoration treatment, hair transplantation.

In this blog, Dr. Nivedita Dadu, a renowned name in the medical world and the Best Dermatologist In Delhi at Dadu Medical Centre, talks about how a hair transplant can help one retain lustrous hair.

Introduction to FUE Hair Transplant

Losing hair is terrible for anyone, male or female, but everyone wants to replace it with hair that looks natural.

The hair transplant surgeon in Delhi at Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic uses FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, a European hair transplant method, to treat hair loss. This technique aims to replace old hair follicles with new ones still growing. Individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor area and implanted in the bald spot. The strand-by-strand extraction ensures that the orientation of the new follicles matches that of the old follicles in the hair-thinning area.

Why is FUE Better Than FUT?

FUE, a more advanced hair transplant technique, was introduced in order to replace the traditional FUT, Follicular Unit Transplant technique. There are some factors that make FUE a better technique for hair transplant than FUT. These are:

  • Recovery Time: The recovery time of FUE is generally very short, whereas FUT may take longer.
  • Stitches: FUT is an invasive procedure that involves stitching the donor area after a hair transplant and removing the stitches later. FUT does not involve this step.
  • Scarring: With FUE, there isn't a line scar left behind. As no scar is visible, people going for FUE can opt for short hair in the future.
  • Pain: FUE is a painless hair transplant procedure, as there are no cuts and scarring involved.
  • No wastage: As FUE extracts grafts individually, it does not involve wasting any of the hair follicles.

Pre-Procedure of Hair Transplant

Here is how one can prepare themselves for FUE hair transplant surgery at Dadu Medical Centre:

  • Stop smoking a week before the surgery.
  • It is advised not to drink alcohol starting at least 1 week before the surgery.
  • To avoid the chances of bleeding, it is advised to consult the doctor and stop taking blood-thinning medicines like aspirin, antidepressants, vitamins, or other supplements.
  • Do not go for a haircut before the surgery.
  • It is advised to massage the scalp every 20-30 minutes for a month before the procedure.
  • Inform the doctor in advance about any ongoing medicines.

Hair Transplant Procedure at Dadu Medical Centre

Based on an individual's health and needs, 3,000-5,000 grafts can be transplanted in a sitting, which may take up to 5 hours. Dr. Nivedita Dadu believes in giving her patients the most natural and satisfying results. Therefore, the procedure may look time taking but ends up giving the most fine-looking hair. This is what one should expect during an FUE hair transplant:

  • First, the surgeon will shave the donor and receiver to get clarity on the area.
  • Next, the follicles will be removed from the scalp with the help of a micro punch tool.
  • Once the hair follicles are extracted, the surgeon will cover the donor area will gauze.
  • After this, these hair follicles are implanted in the bald area, one by one.
  • Once the procedure is done, the surgeon will cover the area with a bandage for a speedy recovery.

Post Treatment Care

FUE hair transplant in Delhi at Dadu Medical Centre is a painless and non-invasive procedure with minimal recovery time. The patient can go home the same day and start his routine work the next day. They will start seeing new hair growth within six to nine months.

Once the hair grows appropriately, one can style them with gel, products, and styling tools.

FUE is an advanced technique to give natural results to the patient of hair loss. The ease of the treatment suits both the patient and the doctor. So book an appointment today at Dr. Nivedita Dadu's Dermatology Clinic for the Best Hair Transplant In Delhi and to regain that lost confidence and good look with thick hair.